Largest known toad species; native to Central America; valuable destroyer of insect pests.
Examples for "cane toad"
Examples for "cane toad"
1Australia's famous invader, the cane toad, has hit the headlines lately.
2The photo Andrew tweeted today shows just how far a cane toad will go to survive.
3It's the cane toad of salmonella, he said.
4The cane toad was brought to Australia from Hawaii in 1935 to control a beetle damaging sugar cane.
5One cane toad also gave its bead the boot, and the beads in the other four toads had migrated to their bladders.
1But spare a thought for those Australians whose job it is to stop the spread of something called Bufo marinus.
2Studies were thus carried out to purify and characterize the RyR in stomach smooth muscle cells from the toad Bufo marinus.
Translations for bufo marinus